Somerhill in the community
Here are some of the wonderful charities Somerhill supported in 2023/24:
Age UK
Heart of Kent Hospice
Hospice in the Weald
Kings College Hospital Charity
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospital Charity
Rosina Animal Centre
Royal British Legion
Save the Children UK
Save the Orangutan
Space 2 Be Me
Spread a Smile
Taylor Made Dreams
The Hygiene Bank
Tree of Hope
Tunbridge Wells and District Samaritans
Over £30,000 raised for charity in 2023/24!
Our Somerhill community is a thriving hub of pupils, parents and staff who host and attend multiple events throughout the school year. In 2023/24 we raised more than £30,000 for local and national charities through Somerhill Parents Association (SPA) events, House Charity Days, summer ball and garden parties and our annual parkland colour run.