Year 5 Bushcraft

On Wednesday 19th June, our Year 5 boys and girls embarked on a three-day camping adventure in the grounds of Penshurst Place with the Bushcraft Company, as part of our 2024 Trips Week.

Upon arriving, the children were soon building their own fires to cook their lunch over, followed by shelter building using the resources available in the expansive woodland. Across the trip they were also given the opportunity to use camouflage paints for a concealment activity, experience some swimming in the lake and watch how to prepare a whole salmon if they caught a fish in the wild.

On day 3, the children put their skills to the test, rescuing the Somerhill staff from a mock aeroplane crash using their first aid skills learnt during the first couple of days. Throughout the experience, the children showed amazing collaboration, resilience, communication and independence skills and most importantly fun was had by all!