Summer Ball at Somerhill

Somerhill donned its finery on Saturday 8th June to host its biennial Summer Ball. This year’s theme – ‘East Meets West’ – saw guests welcomed with Champagne and Sitar and Tabla music, before being led to the transformed Bickmore Hall as part of a dynamic brass and dhol drummer procession! Neon orange and pink feathers and a starry dancefloor set the scene in the beautiful marquee where, following spicy canapés, guests were treated to three delicious courses by the excellent caterers, A Passage to India. A Bollywood dance troupe entertained between courses and henna tattoos abounded as everyone embraced the theme of the evening… before dancing the night away to David Tims and his Big-ish Band!

To our huge delight, our Charity Auction on the night as well as the Luxury Raffle for the wider community raised over £24,000 for the two charities the Parents’ Association chose to support – Heart of Kent Hospice and King’s College Hospital Charity, both of which have supported Somerhill families this year.

A huge thank you must go to everyone involved in organising this fantastic event and we are looking forward to our next Summer Ball already!