Senior Concert
Another Successful Musical Evening at Somerhill

On Wednesday 3rd July, our senior musicians entertained parents, staff and guests with a dazzling programme of musical items for our annual Senior Summer Concert.

Our Somerhill pupils took to the stage as part of various ensembles including the orchestra, cello group, brass group, senior string section and school choirs. With well over 150 children performing, it was a fantastic finale to our always-busy Somerhill music calendar.

Our dedicated team of staff and peripatetic music teachers work hard throughout the year to provide many opportunities for our pupils to learn, practice and perform, nurturing their talents and building their confidence. Special mention must go to Liz Hesketh who leaves Somerhill following this year’s concert after 22 years at Somerhill. On behalf of everyone, we thank Liz for her many years of service and dedication to our school.

A huge well done to everybody who took part and provided another memorable evening at Somerhill!