Our children’s days are filled with fresh air, good food and lots of learning and play.
Pre-School pupils arrive between 8.00am and 8.30am. Children in Reception to Year 8 arrive from 8.00am, with a view to being in their classrooms by 8.20am. Lessons begin at 8.30am.
The school day for Pre-Prep ends at 3.00pm on Wednesdays and 3.15-3.30pm on other days. Pre-Prep clubs run to 4.30pm (optional) and after-school care is available until 5.45pm. The school day for Yardley Court and Derwent Lodge ends at 4.00pm for Years 3 and 4. For Years 5 to 8 it ends at 4.30pm, 4.00pm on Wednesdays.
For more details on the school day, including drop-off and pick-up locations and arrangements, please see our Handbook for Parents.