Years 3 to 6 enjoyed a action packed sports day.
30 June 21The year 3 boys and girls were fortunate enough to enjoy an amazing trip to Colchester Zoo last week.
29 June 21Year 6 DL and YC head to Norfolk for their residential trip.
28 June 21As part of their action packed Leavers’ Programme, Year 8 travelled to Dorset.
28 June 21A unique year 7 PSB project.
22 June 21Year 8’s recently took part in the Institute of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) Faraday Challenge.
18 June 21This week saw two fantastic music soirées performed by our Year Six and Year Eight pupils.
24 May 21Our annual poetry recital competition.
21 May 21Somerhill Prep pupils have had the pleasure of 3 virtual author visits recently.