Latest News
10 December 21


Junior Carol Concert, St Stephens Church, Tonbridge.

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25 November 21

Art Trip

A Year 8 trip to see the work of Anthony Whishaw at the Tonbridge OBS gallery.

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19 November 21

Cross Country

Mud, glorious mud greeted our cross-country runners on Friday for the Dobson Trophy at Claremont.

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4 November 21


As part of their work on Hinduism, Year 5 children have been learning about the Festival of Diwali, a five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus.

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3 November 21

London Trip

Year 4 girls and boys headed off to the Greenwich Royal Observatory this week.

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17 September 21

U11 Football Tournament

A great opportunity for boys in every team to compete in a tournament.

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14 September 21

Football Silverware!

Victorious U11Bs bring home silverware.

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9 September 21

Football Tournament

The 1st team play in the New Beacon 7 a side tournament.

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6 July 21

YC Shakespeare

Year 6 Yardley Court boys put on a fantastic performance featuring three Shakespeare plays.

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