
Having secured qualification from the Kent Championships in June, 10 of our athletes travelled to Birmingham to compete in the National Athletics Finals, held at the impressive Alexandra Stadium.

Our 10 pupils competed in 12 different events throughout the day and, with the level of competition extremely high, our pupils gave it their all with some impressive top 10 results. Chizara finished 8th in the 200m, Ned finished 8th in the 800m (running an eight-second PB), Rosie finished 9th in the High Jump, Bibi finished 8th in the Long Jump, and Guy finished 7th in the Shot Put and 4th in the 800m. The result of the day came from Dougie who ran a nearly ten-second PB in the 800m to secure 3rd place and win a National medal.

Congratulations to all our athletes! Qualifying was a fantastic achievement, but it is just as impressive to train, prepare and compete at the highest level – as a school, we are very proud of your accomplishments!